Server and cloud storage
We organize the work of cloud and server storage for your company. Powerful computing will analyze large amounts of data, save arrays of information without the cost of purchasing their own equipment. Remote or cloud storage service is used by individuals and organizations.

Main features of remote storage:
Placement of a full or demo version of the site, Internet application;
Data storage;
Binding domain (website address);
Creating an unlimited number of users with flexible setting of access rights;
Ensuring data security by encryption, secure connections;
Creating backup copies of programs and sites;
Determination of limits on the volume and shelf life of data;
Fast download files without registering with the system;
Downloading information to any device with an internet connection;

The Scand Engineering Group (SEG) team includes only experienced professionals who have confirmed their qualifications. We work in the international market, cooperating with companies from Europe and other regions. Thanks to the introduction of modern software and hardware and the high quality of the work of engineers, our services are appreciated by large commercial and industrial enterprises. Quick execution of work, exact adherence to the criteria specified in the terms of reference and guaranteed reliability are what our every client gets.

Cloud storage operation
Until now, even among high-tech companies, many are not aware of the features of cloud storage. In general, they are physically represented as an array of servers that allow you to remotely work with data from any computer. At the same time, the characteristics of the client "machine" do not affect the speed of calculations made by the server. There is no need to buy expensive equipment, organize your own server.

A key feature of cloud computing has been the uneven use of resources. For a relatively even distribution of such a load among the "cloud" infrastructure, server virtualization technology is used. Thus, on one physical server there can be several virtual ones. Each user gets limited space to store files. Perhaps the separation of computing power - the site or program will work without failures caused by server workload.

The company providing the service is required to have high-speed access to the Internet, round-the-clock monitoring of working equipment, and highly qualified personnel. The Scand Engineering Group (SEG) has convincingly proved its integrity by its many years of work in the field of IT technologies and engineering solutions. Turning to us, you can be absolutely sure about the quality of the task at any level.
Russia, Len. region, Boksitogorsk district, the city of Pikalevo.
Russia, Saratov Region, Balashov.