The staff of the company is growing from year to year. Each of the divisions is headed by an experienced professional, under whose leadership young specialists work. Heads of departments report to the general director and his deputy. The service quality management system is structured in such a way that the entire management team takes an active part in the development of the company's strategic plans and regularly participates in meetings and conferences.
The average age of employees is 26-37 years old, more than 85% of them have a university degree. The development of the Scand Engineering Group (SEG) is focused not only on the near future, but also on the future. The company has created its own system of practical training for young employees in order to train highly professional specialists who thoroughly know the specifics of work in our company.
The company Scand Engineering Group (SEG) fulfills the requirements of the Russian legislation in the field of occupational safety and health, stable and decent wages and social benefits. The company cares about the health of its employees: in the office and at the Scand Engineering Group (SEG) facilities, all the conditions for normal and safe work in accordance with established social norms.